Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Heaven Loves to Hear These Words, Bring Forth My Message That Belongs to This Place
Message of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, John Little Hat, St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael to the Holy Trinity Love Group at the Grotto “Most Holy Mary of the Bridge” – Partinico, Palermo, Italy on April 15, 2024

Heaven desires that you sing, that you praise, so that the Holy Spirit fills your hearts, and makes you understand the importance of what you are experiencing. Today I am here together with the little Shepherd, whom everyone called Little Hat, for His great gesture of humility, bowing down before His brothers and sisters whom He met, taking off His little hat, this was His greeting, you will remember it that way in the book that will soon be completed. Now sing.
Heaven loves to hear these words, bring forth My message that belongs to this place, because what happened here is not a legend and soon, very soon, there will be confirmations, many who were called here and did not believe, allowing themselves to be confused, will repent, but you who are watching believe, because today is a great day, the day I appeared for the second time to Little Hat. On that day I revealed to Him the mystery of My Statue, which has been kept here many centuries, He, My son Little Hat, will tell you what I told Him.
Brothers, sisters, it is I John, the little Shepherd, Little Hat, that day Mary came to Me like this: John, I am here, you have been looking for Me persistently, today I will make known to you what belongs to Heaven, because You will soon come with Me there. I answered Her: Mary, I was afraid, I longed to hear Your voice, speak to Me, I long to know Heaven. She said to Me: John, this place is a Paradise, in Heaven you feel the same peace, in Heaven the nature that God created shines, in Heaven there is only love, that which You give to Your brothers and sisters, even when You are mistreated by them. I replied: Mary, I cannot help but love My brothers and sisters, because I see in them the presence of Your Little Son Jesus, He taught Me to love everyone, and I put His teachings into practice. Mary said to Me, John, My Son Jesus loved the world, and the world despised Him, but God through Him manifested His immense love, His great mercy, so that men could soften their hearts before the divinity of His Son.
Little Hat, although His heart was pure He did not understand His mission in this land, He also served Heaven to carry out the plans of God the Father Almighty, especially what He has here, in this humble Grotto, this place, this land, was known for the signs that the Angels gave, Their fragrance, Their singing, Their presence, manifested every time someone passed by here, and this has happened at every age, and even today the Angels are here, to give you the signs of Their presence. The Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, are here, THEY will once again speak to you about the mystery that belongs to this place, to this Grotto, the mystery of My Statue, the mystery that is about the life of Little Hat, who lived here miraculously. Do not fear My children, pray in your hearts.
Do not fear, we are the Archangels of God, Michael, Gabriel and Rafael, sent by the Most High among you. Today is a special day, the divinity of the Angels is in your midst, the grace of Heaven abounds over you, in this special place, guarded by Our presence, the Most High will still grant many graces, as in past centuries. In this Grotto was guarded the Statue of Mary Most Holy of the Bridge, created by the Holy Spirit, by hands devoted to the divinity of Mary, that is why the Most High planned that the Statue would be guarded by Us Archangels, in a place where there was the presence of Angels, also John Little Hat was an Angel, although He did not know it, He ignored many things, because His heart was pure, His soul was kind and humble, and He conveyed this to anyone who met Him. John often saw Our light, He wept for joy, because He knew that He was not alone, many Angels appeared to Him, played, danced and fed Him with the Bread of Heaven when He could not feed Himself, you see how humility in His speaking, you too must be humble like Him, you do not desire what you are not allowed to have, because the Father sends His Angels to bestow His Grace.
Brothers and sisters, understand all that you are experiencing, Heaven is giving you a very special grace, which is not granted to everyone. This place, day by day, will bloom more and more, this wonderful story must open many hearts, do not fear, have much faith. On this path We have given by the will of God many Graces, Our voice was heard by many when the Statue was here, with Our singing We brought many people here. Brothers, sisters, all those who came here were very humble, with an open heart like Little Hat, with His testimony, although He did not know it, He brought many souls into the arms of Mary.
Brothers, sisters, many Angels stopped here at the banks of the river, I showed Little Hat Their pure image, I had the task of making Him understand His true nature. Brothers, sisters, open your hearts to this place, and you too can see what John saw , to Father nothing is impossible. In the last moments of the little Shepherd's life, I would have loved to heal Him, as I always did, but the Hand of Father was firm, and He sent Blessed Virgin Mary to take Him with Her and bring Him home, your home is also waiting for you in the arms of Father, many miracles received John. On the coldest nights We Angels warmed Him, it was not yet time, the story was not fulfilled, John bathed His head in the river, because He saw Him do it to the little Angels I showed Him, and He did it every day, He felt closer and closer to Heaven.
Brothers, sisters, your prayers in this place are special, do not underestimate this place, be faithful to the Lord, as was John.
My children, your joy will be great when you receive the confirmations that are not lacking, the tangible ones, persevere, because everything must be earned with love, with humility and with faith, try never to waver, even if it is very difficult to believe this story, it is unique among the history of the Saints.
I love you, thank you for believing in My presence here, I love you, I give you a kiss, I bless you all, in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shalom! Peace My children.